I Can’t Believe It’s Been Three Months!


Ok, so I’m three months (and a few days) post mastectomy. I had my three month post surgery check up with my plastic surgeon today. I LOVE her by the way. If anyone in the Boston area needs a plastic surgeon for anything, I highly recommend Dr. Eleanor Tomczyk! She is so down to Earth and relatable. Anyway, so here is where I am at....

My foobs look awesome in a shirt. They even look pretty damn good in a bra. But when I’m topless, I zoom in and focus on all the lumps and bumps I can see underneath my skin. She explained that it makes total sense because I am very thin skinned anyway and after surgery, I have no breast tissue or fat left and all that is there is skin and implant. There is one small spot that kinda sticks out a little and she said she can easily fix that in the office with just a local anesthetic. She would reopen the incision in one spot and sew it back up so that it could heal a bit flatter. I don’t have any feeling left so it probably wouldn’t hurt at all. But in terms of the rippling I see under my skin, only fat grafting will fix that.

There are so many pros and cons to this process and I am torn!

My own fat would be used so I would definitely lose some inches wherever she takes the fat from. She can do tummy, love handles, etc. score! Love this part of the equation.

But because it’s liposuction, I would need to wear Spanx for three months after surgery. Ugh. Sounds awful.

Lipo is supposedly very painful. Not cool. I would need another two weeks off from work and have some more lifting restrictions. Ugh.

Apparently when you do fat grafting, only about 60% actually takes and 40% usually reabsorbs into the body. Because of this, some people do two or three rounds of it. Ughhh.

If I had fat grafting done, and I lost weight in the future, I could lose the fat from my foobs. That seems like a waste! What would you do?? I’m not topless often and even if I am, it’s only me and hubby that would ever see them. So not worth doing? Ugh. Decisions decisions.

I think at this point I’m going to wait a bit. My doc is going out on maternity leave in August so we talked about giving my foobs the year to settle and then possibly doing surgery next January.

In the meantime, I’m looking to find the perfect tattoo artist to give me new nips. I have a few options I’m considering. It’s so hard to choose, though. I have 11 tattoos but this seems a bit different because the person has to do a fantastic job of creating a new body part in a sense. This whole journey is so odd.

One thing I can say, though, is that three months out and I don’t have much pain at all anymore. A few sore spots from time to time but overall, I feel pretty much like myself!

Love and foobies,


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Almost Four Months Out!


It’s Not A Boob Job-It’s an Amputation!